New Ventures for New Adventures!



I cut my hair in May because it was so unhealthy before using these products.

Hey everyone!

So, I took a poll asking my Instagram audience if you’d like a post about my new venture explaining the why and what I’m up to. And it was nearly 100% yes! So I figured I’d walk you through why I’m pushing into this in the soon to be ROARING 20’s, (not MY 20’s…those are almost gone, but the 2020’s)!

One of the hardest lessons I learned in 2019 was that we really are in charge of our own happiness. As a girl who’s struggled with depression, and felt stuck in a dark gloomy hole that seemed impossible and honestly not at all something I wanted to be in charge of. It was so easy to blame other people for my unhappiness, but when you do that you will always find a reason to be unhappy because people are often disappointing. Expecting others to be in alignment with your expectations of happiness is a dangerous road to walk. So this year I’ve worked really hard to change my mindset, find beauty and happiness within myself and my life, revisiting the things that make me the purest form of content and happy, and pushed me to be a better, stronger version of myself. And you know what? It is working.

Part of finding happiness was being comfortable in my own skin. I’ve always prided myself on being a very low maintenance girl, I don’t require a lot of “upkeep” and I prefer to keep things as simple as possible. I’m just an outdoorsy girl trying to feel pretty with minimal effort, but sometimes that results in me feeling like a messy mudpie, and that I need to be ok with spending time on myself. Just to clarify, if you live a lifestyle different than I do, I totally support that! You do you! I just have not been in a market to do that, whether it be jobs, lifestyle, or just income. So I don’t get my nails done, I rarely color my hair anymore (thank you summer sun for free highlights, AMIRIGHT?), I rarely even do a full face of makeup, seeing as the fish I work with don’t really seem to care…weird I know. But it’s important to me to feel great in my skin, whether that’s nutrition, exercise, or using products that help me achieve my goal of simplicity. Life is stressful and I am not about to add to it with my beauty regime!

This past year I started looking at the products I was using a bit closer, my toothpaste, mouthwash, whitening system, styling products, skincare, all of it! Everything I looked at had so many chemicals and I just felt like there had to be better options that would provide equally good (or better) results. I started looking into more natural avenues that I felt would be better for my body and for the earth. I started using a coconut whitening system, a natural toothpaste, looking into natural deodorant…honestly y’all, give me recommendations because that’s a hard one!

Making these changes was important to me, to feel good about WHAT I was using, and more importantly how they made me  FEEL in my own being. I’m pushing for happiness and success, jumping into a new community full of powerful women who have each other’s back. The Monat community has already been such a beautiful and genuine one. I’ve watched girls come together over family hardships, celebrate milestones and announcements, and watched them succeed and cheer each other on. I want to genuinely help people feel good about themselves, I’ve watched so many women (and men) talk negatively about themselves their whole lives, its time to start changing that.

If you’re interested in Monat products, curious about what they do or why I think they are so great, message me! I love hearing from people on Instagram, and any answers I don’t have I’ll have an entire community backing me, and you, up. Jump in with me!


My hair has grown SO much since starting Monat!





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